Friday, April 8, 2011


Dir. Peter Yates

I began watching Krull the day Yates died, not having seen any of his other movies before.  But due to a late night at work and Kyle not making it past the first 5 minutes, we postponed the view.
Four months later, I sit on the couch trying to stay awake for the movie a second time through Kyle's snoring a the other end.  Although, I couldn't help but laugh when he woke up and asked which one was Krull about 30 minutes in.

Needless to say,  this movie isn't the fastest moving plot in the world.  It also features some long passed takes that much like the first movie in the Lord of the Rings will lull you to sleep if you don't watch out.

Many sets in this film scream of star wars, and a couple shots could have been cut from this movie and placed right in the NeverEnding Story(like the guy riding the flying horse/the boy riding the flying dog).  To me, this movie didn't' seem all that original or catching, but it probably did in '83 when the first of the Star Wars movies were hitting theaters.  Seemed like it was capitalizing on the hype and effects Lucas was already putting out, only not doing it nearly as well.
RIP Peter Yates

121 + 5414 = 5535

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