Monday, February 14, 2011

"To make God laugh, tell him your plans."

Amores Perros
Dir. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

I find it a little odd that I found myself watching a movie that translates to Love's a Bitch on Valentines Day while waiting on Kyle to get off work.  Whatever works I guess.

This movie's case is completely covered with awards and nominations for any and every festival and huge award program there is.  So, I know there is something to learn from this movie before I even plopped it into the dvd player, which is completely the idea behind this 300 by 25 experiment.  But while watching, I felt like there were quite a few times where I felt like this was a movie I had seen before, or a scene that I could predict from some other viewing.

So, here's some of the movies I've seen before that seemed to take away from the buzz of this one.  Not in a terribly awful way or anything, but they seem to have quite a few things in common.

Slumdog Millionare - two brothers, one is kind of a good guy that wants to do right even with unordinary means, the other is shot leading a life of crime. (Seems like a stretch, but the scenes seemed to be quite similar.  Think I need to watch that movie again though, to do a more accurate comparison there, since it's been about 2 years now).

Crash - I mean, c'mon.  This film was the Mexican crash.  Less Hollywood and more gritty, but what can you expect.

Requiem for a Dream - Everyone is investing so much of themselves into one thing, that it's sure to be taken away in their greed or over nurturing and indulgence in their plans.  The end was very different from Requiem, but I felt like there was a direct connection between the two in the moral department.

I think I could go on, but again, I feel like some of it is a bit of a stretch.  Now, this film came out in 2000, whereas Slumdog and Crash both came years later (Requiem, the same year), therefore, they could have found influence from this movie.  I really don't know.  But overall, it seemed somewhat predictable from the lessons learned in the other movies.  So, that kind of took away from the action a little.  But otherwise, I felt like this was a really good movie.  It deserved it's awards for sure.  Still hoping they didn't really kill any of those animals.  Surely not.

153 min run time +1429 min = 1582 minutes

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