Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birdemic Fest

Birdemic: Shock and Terror
Dir.  James Nguyen

One year ago, yesterday, a movie was released upon the world with a message.  A message of world peace and keeping the world a greener place to fight global warming.  Let's just say, that message fell short.  Instead, another terribly amazing cult classic was received by audience members on the same caliber of The Room and Troll 2.  Terrible acting, directing, and CG ensues. See trailer for details.

So, as per recommendation of the director himself via youtube, Kyle, Nathan, and I partook in a Birdemic fest on this one year anniversary.  What constitutes a Birdemic fest?  Beer and a viewing of the movie Birdemic.  Just that easy, just that hard.  Not something I would recommend, but still something you could do from the comfort of your own home.  We, of course, went to the Drafthouse to enjoy some food and cheer with an audience you can only find there.  I mean, c'mon, how many places could fill a theater for this movie?

Anyway, back to the movie, this is yet another example, as I explained in my previous post about The Room, of a director that doesn't know enough English to have any business making an American film, nor seems to have any idea how humans interact.  Quite literally, as a Drafthouse host commented, "almost as if an alien came down, watched people for like 2 days, and just said 'I got this.'"  But, it seems like this with some terribly over-looped music, horrid editing with shots hanging on way too long, and some stock footage birds that can explode for really no reason, we have a movie that will be watched in smaller film-geek circles to quote forever.

I've got to run, I hear a mountain lion.

Run time 90 very painful minutes + 1982 = 2072 invested

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